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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets 2011

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Kitchen GadgetsTop 10 Kitchen Gadgets 2011 Every cook loves kitchen gadgets. Hey, that's part of what makes cooking fun. Here is a list of my top ten favorite gadgets. From a microplane grater to a kitchen. Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets for your 2010 Wish List | Kitchen Who needs toys when you can have high-powered kitchen tools that satisfy both your inner Tim Allen and Julia Child? I have to admit that I'm kind of. In this post we've listed the top kitchen gadgets for 2010 and this Top Kitchen Gadgets. Inspired by the legendary Susannah Wesley

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Acme Natural Top/White Kitchen Cart - Portable Kitchen Island Acme Natural Top/White Kitchen Cart - Portable Kitchen Island. ... Kitchen Gadgets, Kitchen Garden, Kitchen Radios & TVs, Kitchen Robots There are days where having a 20"W 20"L 36"H kitchen cart would just help in our kitchen Best New Kitchen Products - New Kitchen Gadgets 2010 - There is always a new gadget to add to the kitchen to brighten up the decor, ease cooking prep, or store things more efficiently. Check out our cool new kitchen gadgets online Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets 2011

Who needs toys when you can have high-powered kitchen tools that satisfy both your inner Tim Allen and Julia Child?

I have to admit that I’m kind of having fun making these lists, and at the same time, I feel that tug of anti-materialism that makes me want to scrap the gadgets and just talk food. Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets 2011

I’m not a huge proponent of over-spending and letting kids get the gimmies and department store ridiculousness and door buster deals that require a sense of animosity to obtain. On the other hand, if your life is anything like mine, if you don’t put some practical things that you want and will use on a Christmas list, your mother-in-law will buy you something anyway…and she may not be so intuitive about the “want” or the “use” as you’d like.

I actually keep a running list in my computer for the whole family, all year long, just so I’m ready for the inevitable: “Where’s your wish list???”

Today’s list is full of kitchen gadgets with motors, cords, moving parts, and generally a high price tag (although I’ve got a few goodies under $50). Don’t worry, the stocking stuffer variety comes next Wednesday, just in time for your deal shopping on Black Friday.

If you’ve had your eye on any blogger e-products lately, by the way, you may want to plan to log on before you get in line next Friday morning. I won’t leak any secrets or sales…but I’m just sayin’. Watch Wednesday’s post.

The Disclosure

Usually this little FTC mandated thingy goes at the end of my posts, but I feel like talking a bit more up front about what’s behind all these links. Many, if not all of them, will take you somewhere that will give me a tiny kickback for sending you to them. My goal is that the agreement works out well for everyone, if in fact you’re spending some money anyway and ordering online anyway. I explained a bunch about how bloggers make an income back in August, if that helps you understand what’s going on here.

I do have to say that you ought to check local prices and availability first, and I don’t promise that I’ve found the very best deals. I’ll leave that to the deal bloggers, quite honestly. I’d just like to show you what kinds of things I find helpful in my kitchen and you can go from there.

Now here’s why I’m talking disclosure up front: until a few weeks ago, I included a lot of links to in my posts. They’re not always the least expensive, but they sell everything and make it very easy for bloggers to link to their stuff. They were called out on the carpet recently, and rightfully so, for selling an awful, immoral, illegal book. I don’t even want to tell you about it, but Lisa will, if you want to know more. Many people, including me, boycotted and are still boycotting. I took my Amazon store down and deleted the link from the sidebar.

Now, Amazon did take the listing off their site, but they haven’t (as far as I know) issued an apology or any sort of statement, nor have they guaranteed they won’t reinstate the book once this all blows over.

It’s been a conflict in my mind all week whether or not I should utilize any Amazon links or continue with a full boycott. I’ve noticed some bloggers I trust and admire continuing to post Amazon links, while others continue to speak out vehemently against the situation.

I guess I’m taking a middle ground today. I found some other online sites that sell cooking equipment, so I’ll try my best to link to them. However, I may also include Amazon links here. If you feel strongly about the boycott continuing, please do not follow them. If you’re shopping at Amazon anyway, for whatever reason, then I truly appreciate you starting with KS (did you know you don’t even have to buy what I recommend for me to get commission?).

If you end up shopping Amazon anyway, you might as well use Swagbucks – I’ll get a bunch of gifts for free this year because of it!

Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets

Now for the fun part! Some of these items I have and love, some are on my personal wish list. I’ll try to make that clear in the description, if it makes a difference to you. I don’t always know the perfect brand, either. I bought my last blender (the one that smokes sometimes when I make butter) at a garage sale, so that tells you a lot about my standards!

Toaster Oven
We’ve had two toaster ovens, and both are indispensable for what they do for me, but I have no love for either. My first, a Cuisinart, had excellent features but was buggy and died too quickly for my liking. The new one, purchased out of necessity when the former died an early death, is an Oster and has some features I absolutely dislike. Here’s an upper end Calphalon that might do the trick and a lower range Black and Decker.

When purchasing a toaster oven, I’d recommend looking for: 6-slice capacity, ability to bake a whole pie/8×8 casserole (at least), multiple heights for the tray, auto-shutoff timer, easy controls (ask yourself how many buttons or dials you’d have to touch just to make toast, for example). Convection cooking may be nice, but I don’t think it gets anything done any faster. Watch out for metal on the door (ouch!) and dials that children can’t turn, even if they’re taught how.

Food Dehydrator


Sometimes I’m not sure if the dehydrator is worth the space, but I do use it a lot. If you want to have a raw foods lifestyle, preserve a lot of seasonal product, make crispy nuts, or beef jerky, it’s helpful and nearly necessary. Although you can do a lot of the same things in an oven, many ovens don’t go below 170F and thus will kill enzymes (not “raw” foods), and sometimes you can’t tie up your oven for 12 hours and still survive the day!

I had fun hosting a CookWare’s Plus giveaway last June, when I asked you to make a Christmas wish list from their site. Now you can check them out for your real list (thank you, CWP, for being a sponsor of KS this month!). I happen to have an Excalibur dehydrator, but there are less expensive options. Check out my comparison dehydrator review to help you make your decision.

Grain mill


Sometime soon, I will offer a giveaway sponsored by Pleasant Hill Grain for a Nutrimill grain mill. I’ve been fiddling with mine since spring, but it’s been pretty dormant lately as we went grain-free as a family. (That postponed things, sorry about that!)

A grain mill is a super huge investment and commitment. It definitely takes longer to make baked goods, just “one more step,” but the nutrition and cost savings of grinding your own grain, along with the reassurance of being able to store bulk grains, is unsurpassed.

When I get to a grain mill series (probably January), I will discuss a bit about the differences in mills. You definitely want to do your research to make sure you get what you need out of a mill. Two other bloggers I respect have written about various mills and comparisons: Nourishing Gourmet andHeavenly Homemakers.

High-powered blender

Another super big ticket item, the Blendtec and Vitamix seem to be the top two high-powered blenders out there. Many, many people listed them first on their “wish list” during the dehydrator giveaway. These machines take the place of your blender, food processor, AND grain mill.

I want one. Working on that!

You can find BOTH of them to compare atCookWare’s Plus. Someday, I’ll let you know which one I think is best (I hope).

Berkey Water Filtration System


I’m becoming more and more interested in theBerkey system. I’m telling you, no one has anything bad to say about it (except that it takes counter space, which is my holdup. I’ve got 9 feet of counter, total. Cannot. Spare. A. Foot.)

The Berkey filters chlorine, fluoride (with an extra filter), plus 99% of all nasty contaminants. Good stuff. It doesn’t need electricity, so it will save you in an emergency, too. For more, check out Lisa’s humorous Berkey review.

KitchenAid mixer


Now we get to my ultimate favorite kitchen gadget, one that I use nearly daily. Ok, I don’t really bake that much, but I bet it’s 3-4 times a week! Sometimes I use it 3 times in a day. My KitchenAid mixer has a prized place on my 9 feet of counter, I’m telling you. The fact that it will knead my bread dough allows our family to have homemade sourdough bread. I don’t knead bread by hand. Period. I also love that I can get out and put away ingredients while my batters and cookie doughs are mixing themselves. Indispensable! This link will take you to the KitchenAid outlet, where I hope you can find the best deal possible

Food processor



I don’t actually own a food processor, but thanks to my mom who decided I’d use hers more than she does, I bet I drag it up from the basement once or twice a week. I try really hard to make more than one recipe at a time, because I’m lazy and hate dishes!

The food processor I use is nothing special, similar to this one from Amazon for $100. I might wish for a slightly bigger one, although right now I’m shooting for that high-powered blender to have fewer total gadgets to store. Here’s a KitchenAid 12-cup at (less expensive here than the KA outlet!)

Mine stays busy shredding cheese, making power bars from my Healthy Snacks to Go book, and grinding nuts into fake-o almond flour, lately.

Stick Blender



Here’s a lower budget item that still is a super fun gadget and gets constant use in my kitchen. Stick blenders make blending soups like my garlic soupsuper easy, and I make thin applesauce with the skins right in the pot! I also use the stick blender (also called a hand blender or immersion blender) to make perfect homemade mayo, every time. (That’s a vlog, if you want to see how it works.)

Some people like the chrome version to avoid plastic (here is is without extras). Mine looks just like this but is a Braun (I can’t find it anymore), and I LOVE the mini bonus food processor – I use it to make Caesar dressing all the time (same one is $10less at Amazon, sigh). Sometimes you just want cheap – here’s one for under $20.

Food Chopper


For some reason I forgot how much I love myPampered Chef food chopper until recently. It’s SO much faster than a knife for chopping onions, garlic, and anything else for soups and casseroles when the slicing look doesn’t matter. Here’s the second one I have, dedicated to chopping nuts and chocolate. I don’t wash it much!

One word of caution: it you don’t have a lot of hand strength or dexterity, you may not be happy with this item. I have two because I got one for my mom for Christmas one year and she decided it hurt her hand, and she preferred a knife.

Mandolin Slicer



Not to be confused with the musical instrument, which is spelled the same way, a mandolin helps you slice a lot of food, evenly and quickly. It makes homemade potato chips a snap, and I also love it for these California chicken wraps, which have a number of sliced vegetables. I don’t use it often, but when I packed it up to “set” our house to sell, I missed it! Absence makes the heart grow fonder (and more hungry).

Here’s a very inexpensive one like I have (under $20), one step up with various guards (can shred cheese), and a bit higher end (can slice tomatoes). If you want to spend $60 and more, you can find those, too.

Is anybody hungry? I just want to go play in my kitchen now, excuse me. If you’ve got any winner ideas to add, join in the comments, or feel free to ask me questions about my personal experiences with the items I own.

Every cook loves kitchen gadgets. Hey, that's part of what makes cooking fun. Here is a list of my top ten favorite gadgets. From a microplane grater to a kitchen. Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets for your 2010 Wish List | Kitchen Who needs toys when you can have high-powered kitchen tools that satisfy both your inner Tim Allen and Julia Child? I have to admit that I'm kind of.

Acme Natural Top/White Kitchen Cart - Portable Kitchen Island Acme Natural Top/White Kitchen Cart - Portable Kitchen Island. ... Kitchen Gadgets, Kitchen Garden, Kitchen Radios & TVs, Kitchen Robots There are days where having a 20"W 20"L 36"H kitchen cart would just help in our kitchen Best New Kitchen Products - New Kitchen Gadgets 2010 - There is always a new gadget to add to the kitchen to brighten up the decor, ease cooking prep, or store things more efficiently. Check out our cool new kitchen gadgets online

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Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets Under $10

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Kitchen GadgetsTop 10 Kitchen Gadgets Under $10 2011 and latest 2010 gadget Yes, it is that time of the year! Time to start thinking about what to get the super-chef on your list. I have a many opinions, all of which I am willing to share with my loyal readers. And because there are so many wonderful tools out there, I have divided my list into two parts: Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets under $10 and Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets for 2011 See what you think and post your favorite kitchen gadget or tool :

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Every cook loves kitchen gadgets. Hey, that's part of what makes cooking fun. Here is a list of my top ten favorite gadgets. From a microplane grater to a kitchen. Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets for your 2010 Wish List | Kitchen Who needs toys when you can have high-powered kitchen tools that satisfy both your inner Tim Allen and Julia Child? I have to admit that I'm kind of.

Acme Natural Top/White Kitchen Cart - Portable Kitchen Island Acme Natural Top/White Kitchen Cart - Portable Kitchen Island. ... Kitchen Gadgets, Kitchen Garden, Kitchen Radios & TVs, Kitchen Robots There are days where having a 20"W 20"L 36"H kitchen cart would just help in our kitchen Best New Kitchen Products - New Kitchen Gadgets 2010 - There is always a new gadget to add to the kitchen to brighten up the decor, ease cooking prep, or store things more efficiently. Check out our cool new kitchen gadgets online

Today I present the top 10 Kitchen Gadgets under $10:

Taylor Instant Read Thermometer1. Instant Read Thermometers by Taylor

These come in colors this year! I love this thermometer, and at $10, it won’t break the bank. I have had the plain black model for years, but a color would certainly make me a happy cook. The only thing you need to remember is to turn it off when you are finished cooking, otherwise the batteries will drain before your next culinary adventure!Microplane Zester/Grater

2. Microplane Zester/Grater

A handy tool to quickly grate Parmesan over pasta, or zest a lemon for a recipe, the Microplane zester/grater is a handy tool to have around. I know, I know, you could go grab the planer from your grandfather’s workbench, but it would not be the same! Another $10 tool, great for stocking stuffers.

Witmer Company Peanut Butter Mixer3.Witmer Company Peanut Butter Mixer

This was the tool that convinced me to start Kitchen Gadget Girl. I first wrote about the Peanut Butter Mixer in February of this year, and it has changed my life. No really. We eat natural peanut butter, the kind that separates on the shelf, and it used to be a huge pain in my life to mix the new jar. This little tool makes it so easy! Since then, I share it with everyone I know. And at $10, you could too!Oxo Pizza Wheel

4. Oxo Good Grips Pizza Wheel

Just $8, this tool has more uses than just slicing up your latest pizza. I use it to cut apart quesadillas, score puff pastry dough, and slice cookie dough. The handle is soft and grippable, and so far (knock on wood) my blade is still super sharp.

Prepara Ice Cream Pint Sleeve5.Prepara Ice Cream Pint Sleeve

Prepara has a handy little gadget for those of us that believe that Ben & Jerry’s is purchased by the single serving pint. Using one of these handy sleeves ensures your ice cream stays cold without freezing the tips of your fingers, all the better to help you scoop the ice cream into your waiting mouth. At $7.95, this would make a great stocking stuffer or white elephant gift exchange.Stainless steel cookie scoop

6. Stainless Steel Scoops

I have two sizes, a 2-inch and a 1.5-inch, and use these for everything from scooping out cookie dough to portioning out the correct amount of batter for muffins and waffles. Since I have a boatload of baking ahead of me, I will make sure to have these handy to help me through the task. At just under $10, it is such a time saver. And at the holidays, who doesn’t need more time!

Sur La Table Dough Scraper7. Sur La Table Dough Scraper

Another great tool for baking, this scraper is useful for getting under bread dough, pulling up cut-out cookies, and cleaning your workspace. I like this version from Sur La Table because of the measuring units on the side. Makes it easy for quick tabulations when my hands are all floury. And at $7, it is pretty inexpensive for what you get.Oxo Measuring Cup

8. Oxo Good Grips 2-cup Measuring Cup

This was the first Oxo product I ever purchased, and was my introduction into the greatness of this company. What a genius idea! Make it easy to measure liquids, not like the old-style liquid measuring cups where you need to lean all the way over sideways to read how much in the cup. This measuring cup retails for $8.95 – be sure to check out all the different sizes!

Architec Hot Cooking Bands9. Architec Hot Cooking Bands

I found these at a small shop in the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia last year – they looked kind of gimmicky, but at $5 a set, it was not a break-the-bank purchase. Since they came home with me, I have found all sorts of uses for them – tying together a bouquet garni for soup, holding bacon onto beef tenderloins, even trussing small poultry. Made out of silicon, I have used them equally well in the oven and on the BBQ.

Chef'n Switchit Spatula10. Chef’n Switchit Spatula

My daughter suggested adding this gadget to the list – it is one of her favorite items in our kitchen. Both ends can be used, the wider for larger projects and the narrower end for small bottles and jars. I also use it when making an omelet, it is great for running around the edges of the pan before filling and flipping. Just under $10, this spatula also comes in a spoon like model, good for stirring and scraping at the same time.

Come back Friday for Part 2, Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets for 2011!

Photos courtesy of  Sur La Table, Oxo, Amazon, Kyocera, Prepara, FoodSaver, and Architec.

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Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets For The Holidays

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Kitchen GadgetsTop 10 Kitchen Gadgets For The Holidays On Wednesday, I posted a list of the Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets under $10. Today’s list focus is gift gadgets for the holiday season. Some are a splurge, others will end up saving you money. Some are new, some have been around for years. Hopefully, by getting this up before Thanksgiving, you will have plenty of time to track down your favorite! Related: kitchenaid, kitchen gadgets, gadgets,, cuisinart, Must-Have Kitchen Item of 2011

Every cook loves kitchen gadgets. Hey, that's part of what makes cooking fun. Here is a list of my top ten favorite gadgets. From a microplane grater to a kitchen. Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets for your 2010 Wish List | Kitchen Who needs toys when you can have high-powered kitchen tools that satisfy both your inner Tim Allen and Julia Child? I have to admit that I'm kind of.

Acme Natural Top/White Kitchen Cart - Portable Kitchen Island Acme Natural Top/White Kitchen Cart - Portable Kitchen Island. ... Kitchen Gadgets, Kitchen Garden, Kitchen Radios & TVs, Kitchen Robots There are days where having a 20"W 20"L 36"H kitchen cart would just help in our kitchen Best New Kitchen Products - New Kitchen Gadgets 2010 - There is always a new gadget to add to the kitchen to brighten up the decor, ease cooking prep, or store things more efficiently. Check out our cool new kitchen gadgets online

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Oxo Egg Slicer

1.  Oxo Egg Slicer

I realize this is not a new tool, per se, but Oxo has just released an updated version of this classic tool. Egg salad is not the same at our house unless I use my egg slicer. Oxo has shaped this tool to conform to the contours of the egg. My trick? Slice the egg once one direction, then carefully turn and slice the other direction. Nice little cross hatch for egg salad!

Metrokane Vertical Rabbit Corkscrew2. Metrokane Vertical Rabbit Corkscrew

Increasingly, I am finding that my hand is not strong enough to open bottles of wine with synthetic corks. Mind you, I am a woman who needs a glass of wine after a hard day raising children and blogging, and I think this new corkscrew from Metrokane will do the trick. Plus, check out the cherry red color. It won’t even get lost in the junk drawer!

3. Kyocera Ceramic Santoku KnifeCeramic Santoku Knife

Stefania, aka City Mama, spent last week writing about must-have kitchen gadgets. Day 6 was her devotion to really sharp knives, a recommendation I agree with wholeheartedly.  I was not familiar with ceramic knives until her post, and am now enamored with the idea that I could have a knife that stays sharp all the time and is light enough to cut pounds of vegetables.

Skybar Wine System4. Skybar Wine System

If this is the year to splurge, this would be the gadget to splurge on, provided you are so indecisive that you like to have 3 bottles of wine open at a time. I imagine this would be great for a party, when you wanted to make sure all your guests were satisfied, or perhaps when your in-laws are in town and you want to make sure to have that special bottle of holidayMalmsey available. Either way, it features easy set-up, easy preservation of left overs and would certainly make a good conversation piece.

5. Prepara Trio PeelerPrepara Trio Peeler

If you are tired of having three separate peelers in your drawer, then this might be the tool for you. One tool with three changeable function blades allows you to peel the most tender peach and the toughest carrot, as well as even julienne strips for attractive presentations.
FoodSaver Vacuum Sealer

6. FoodSaver Vacuum Sealer

Kayln of Kayln’s Kitchen told me about this gadget the first time I met her, at BlogHer 2008, and the holidays would be the perfect time to ask for one from Santa (or whoever gives the gifts around your house). Justify your purchase by thinking about how you can eat local all year round by saving each season’s bounty in these freezer safe packages.

Braun Professional Hand Blender7. Braun Professional Hand Blender

I use this tool probably more than any other small appliance in my kitchen. Pureeing soups is a breeze. Making milk shakes could not be easier. And I chop nuts and herbs in the bowl attachment too, almost making this a gadget I cannot cook without!

8.  Zojirushi Induction Heating System Rice CookerZojirushi Rice Cooker

This is the latest in rice cooker technology and is supposed to yield the most tender and perfectly cooked kernels of rice. Biggie over at Lunch in Box is having afancy rice cooker giveaway, if you would like to try your luck in winning one! My current rice cooker is about 20 years old (yes, I did receive it as a young child), and a replacement is in our near future.

Unicorn Magnum Pepper Mill9. Unicorn Magnum Plus Pepper Mill

My cousin Julie recommended this pepper mill about 5 years ago, and if I could take a tool when I travel, it would be this (not that I do, just saying). This tool is so fast at grinding pepper corns that adding a 1/4 teaspoon of pepper to your sauce is no longer the arduous task it used to be. And using fresh pepper in your recipes really does make a difference.

Isi Half-Pint Whip Cream Whipper10. Isi Half-Pint (or Pint) Whip Cream Whipper

Although this borders on the tool for the cook that has everything and I am sure there are folks out there who are opposed to a one-trick-pony gadget, I am very fond of fresh whipped cream and cannot imagine fresh pumpkin pie without it. And even a regular old Wednesday can become a great day when you pull out the Whip Cream Whipper!

Photos courtesy of  Sur La Table, Oxo, Amazon, Kyocera, Prepara, FoodSaver, and Unicorn.

Well there you have it, my three must have kitchen gadgets for this year . By : rasiasharmal Food and Beverage I have lots of kitchen gadgets. I had one but it must have gotten broken since I can no longer find it Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the Money. 1/6/2011. Buy-and-hold may be a a workable strategy for some investments, but when it comes to kitchen  I don't really have room for gadgets and I'm so old fashioned . I must confess I don't see the purpose of a 'real' blender, . Most pointless kitchen gadget? Garlic press by a country mile.

There are eight kitchen gadgets that not only make your life easier when entertaining but that are veritable must-have kitchen stuff  Must have kitchen gadget: Tefal Toast n Egg. Baking tools: William Bounds Sili Gourmet Bake Liners - A must have for every . Wed, 01/26/2011 - 10:39. View all Kitchen Gadgets View images and photos in CNET's Photos: 12 must-have kitchen gadgets - A digital thermometer is . A digital thermometer is one of those gadgets that may seem unnecessary  have learned the benefits of many kitchen gadgets along the way! Gadgets . Must have kitchen gadgets. Describe each. Why are they necessary?

Find out which kitchen gadgets are a must have on your wedding registry must-have kitchen gadgets you'll actually use . Here, some new kitchen tools that are downright mouthwatering Investor Relations Must-Have Kitchen Gadget From the Gaza Strip. SEC's Own Books are A Mess nterviews with culinary masters, cookbook reviews, kitchen gadgets,. How to select, use and care for kitchen knives. Jan 13, 2011 - Paul Gordon. The tagine has become one of the latest must-have kitchen gadgets for the home chief a Must-Have kitchen gadget. But after sharing my affection for this wonderful. English Mum 1/31/2011 11:14:42 AM Flag as inappropriate Must Have Kitchen Gadgets for the Non-Chef

Most Essential Appliances Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets. Sunday January 23, 2011. Jack LaLanne, the world-famous bodybuilder who helped Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets. Jenn D. Posted by. Jenn D. on Dec. 23, 2010 at 12:00 AM. 14 Replies. I have a very small kitchen. I live in an apartment In search of must-have kitchen gadgets? You've come to the right place! Must-have kitchen gadgets. Play. Pause. Playback speed options. Which of these gadgets would you love to have in 2011?

I wanted to share with y'all 5 little must have kitchen gadgets that make being in the Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the Money. Date: 2011-01-06 06:28:12 in Health blogs. Buy-and-hold may be a a workable strategy for some Seven must-have kitchen gadgets, and three to avoid | January 18, 2011 recipevid So far all of my must have kitchen gadgets have been appliances.. This is just a list of some of the must have kitchen gadgets

7 Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the. Buy-and-hold may be a a workable strategy for some Reporting on all the latest cool gadgets in the ongoing quest for the 7 Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the Money | WOPULAR Coolest Gadgets - reporting on the latest cool gadgets Reporting on all the latest cool gadgets in the ongoing quest for the 2011. We have reported on some cool weapons made from. Where to Find Wholesale Kitchen Gadgets 20 Jan 2011. touting the amazing features of a must-have kitchen gadget. Where to Find Wholesale Kitchen Gadgets

See what you think and post your favorite kitchen gadget or tool.. Microplane grater is a must have. Inexpensive and wonderful for grading cheese,. 1/18/ 2011 9:40:53 PM Can you clarify about palm and coconut oils?. Must-have kitchen gadgets list compiled - Kitchen sink - Simply Must-have kitchen gadgets list compiled - Kitchen sink - Simply Kitchen. Stainless steel kitchen sinks praised in new guide

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Must Have Kitchen Gadgets

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Kitchen GadgetsMy friend Anna, occasional cycling buddy and neighbor around the corner, is off to grad school this fall and her first apartment by herself. An apartment by herself. Can you even imagine? On our ride last week, we talked about moving into the apartment and how she was going to be getting hand-me-downs from her brother to stock her new kitchen. That led me to think about what I consider essential kitchen tools for the college student, graduate student, or basically anyone moving into their first apartment.

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A great cookbook can go a long way – I would recommend any of the Mark Bittman “How to Cook Everything” series, especially How to Cook Everything: The Basics. And here is my list of 10 must-have kitchen tools for the newly graduated/first-time apartment dweller:

#1. Pressure Cooker

I am sure you saw this coming, I talk about the joys of pressure cookers all. the. time. Seriously though, for a busy grad student, or young career person, a pressure cooker is a huge time saver. For the apartment, I would suggest a fairly straight forward model, such as the Fagor Splendid 6-Quart Pressure Cooker. Not only can you whip up a butternut squash risotto in no time flat, the pressure cooker can also be used to make fluffy rice. Be sure to include Lorna Sass’s Pressure Perfect cookbook, a great introduction and reference book for cooking under pressure.

#2. Tiffin Lunch Box

Anna says she will be taking her lunch to the lab most days, and while she has a nifty lunch bag from her Aunt, not all are as lucky. The tiffin is great – you can put your leftovers from dinner in, or create a new lunch. It is economical and stylish! Don’t forget to pack a reusable utensil kit, like this Bamboo Utensil set from To-Go Wear. I have my eye on the To-Go Ware Two Tier Stainless Tiffin, under $20!

#3. Pots and Pans

A Tiffin Lunch Box does you no good if you cannot cook anything! A good set of pots and pans are an investment (no, not that kind of investment) and spending a little coin on a good set it definitely worth it. Stick with a pan that is durable and functional from stove top to oven, like good-old cast iron. Or, for a complete set, look to anodized-aluminum, such as the Anolon Advanced Hard-Anodized Alumninum 8-piece set. I particularly like this set because of the clear glass lids, which allow you to watch your simmering food.

#4. Wooden spoons

These come in a zillion sizes and shapes, and are not that expensive. Go wild, get a couple for your new grad and send him off in style. Most sets run $10-20, and come with several different size spoons and turners. This six-piece set has all those elements, and includes my favorite flat edge turner.

#5. Ice Cream Scoop

Apparently, ice cream is very popular with your average college student! I love the Wilton ice cream scoop, it can get even the hardest ice cream out the container (Ben and Jerry’s Heath Bar Crunch, I am talking to you!)

#6. Reusable Shopping Bags

As long as you are going to send your favorite student off with a kitchen full of supplies, you might as well make sure they are being green when they shop. BlueAvocado has a great shopping bag system, including theBlueAvocado Starter Kit with a carry all bag, a stuff n’ go bag and a veggie bag, all for $29.99. Until August 15th, use the code goodkarma40 for 40% your purchase.

#7. Oxo Tongs

These are the best – from flipping chicken on the grill to fishing sauerkraut out of the jar to adding ice cubes at the Tiki Bar, Oxo tongs are something that every home cook needs. I have a couple sizes in my kitchen, but for the best all-around model, I would chose the Oxo 9″ tongs with nylon heads.

#8. Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker

I am sure some of you will argue that this is not a necessary piece of equipment, but my Dad would probably disagree. He eats ice cream most every night, and if he knew how easy it is to make your own ice cream, he would probably buy an ice cream maker for his very own. Not only will you save money (it is cheaper to make your own) you can also avoid all those nasty additives. And can you imagine how cool you will look when you show up to your first dinner party with homemade ice cream! Throw in the Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream and Dessert Book for a complete gift.

#9. Brew and Go

For quickly heating up water for tea, coffee or Ramen noodles, look no further than the Black and Decker Brew ‘n Go personal coffee maker. This makes a great gift for the dorm-bound student as well. Save money by making your own coffee or tea every morning, plus this appliance can be used to heat water for oatmeal or soup.

#10. Great knives

Not only will great knives last a long time, they are also safer and better for you in the long run. You want to chose a a set that is comfortable for your recipient, easy to hold with handles that are not too big nor too small. Spring for an 8-piece set with a butcher block, or buy separately (start with an 8″ Chef, 3″ parer, and a serrated knife). I bought Henckels 4 Star, piece by piece, when I moved into my first apartment, and they are still going strong. Throw in a Chef’s Choice Manual Sharpener, or a steel, to make sure your new grad keeps her knives sharp!

As I made this list, I realized there is no way I can include all the things a new apartment dweller needs for the first time, there is just too much to list. Hitting garage sales, asking relatives who are down-sizing, and taking hand-me-downs are a great way to build up your kitchen. Plus, you get to test drive the tools before you make your own serious investment.

Are you sending your child off to their own apartment this year? What kitchen tools and gadgets do you recommend for the first apartment?

Well there you have it, my three must have kitchen gadgets for this year . By : rasiasharmal Food and Beverage I have lots of kitchen gadgets. I had one but it must have gotten broken since I can no longer find it Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the Money. 1/6/2011. Buy-and-hold may be a a workable strategy for some investments, but when it comes to kitchen  I don't really have room for gadgets and I'm so old fashioned . I must confess I don't see the purpose of a 'real' blender, . Most pointless kitchen gadget? Garlic press by a country mile.

Related: kitchenaid, kitchen gadgets, gadgets,, cuisinart, . Must-Have Kitchen Item of 2011: The Dutch Oven brings you kitchen style advice on must-have kitchen gadgets. . The latest kitchen gadgets save time, look great and get results Five Top Must Have Kitchen Tools and Gadgets for Cook . February 4th, 2011. 25 Of the Most Impressive Sofa Designs for Decorating A must-have kitchen gadget. a home owner, looking for durability, . We've used all of them, and have had no problems at all

There are eight kitchen gadgets that not only make your life easier when entertaining but that are veritable must-have kitchen stuff  Must have kitchen gadget: Tefal Toast n Egg. Baking tools: William Bounds Sili Gourmet Bake Liners - A must have for every . Wed, 01/26/2011 - 10:39. View all Kitchen Gadgets View images and photos in CNET's Photos: 12 must-have kitchen gadgets - A digital thermometer is . A digital thermometer is one of those gadgets that may seem unnecessary  have learned the benefits of many kitchen gadgets along the way! Gadgets . Must have kitchen gadgets. Describe each. Why are they necessary?

Find out which kitchen gadgets are a must have on your wedding registry must-have kitchen gadgets you'll actually use . Here, some new kitchen tools that are downright mouthwatering Investor Relations Must-Have Kitchen Gadget From the Gaza Strip. SEC's Own Books are A Mess nterviews with culinary masters, cookbook reviews, kitchen gadgets,. How to select, use and care for kitchen knives. Jan 13, 2011 - Paul Gordon. The tagine has become one of the latest must-have kitchen gadgets for the home chief a Must-Have kitchen gadget. But after sharing my affection for this wonderful. English Mum 1/31/2011 11:14:42 AM Flag as inappropriate Must Have Kitchen Gadgets for the Non-Chef

Most Essential Appliances Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets. Sunday January 23, 2011. Jack LaLanne, the world-famous bodybuilder who helped Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets. Jenn D. Posted by. Jenn D. on Dec. 23, 2010 at 12:00 AM. 14 Replies. I have a very small kitchen. I live in an apartment In search of must-have kitchen gadgets? You've come to the right place! Must-have kitchen gadgets. Play. Pause. Playback speed options. Which of these gadgets would you love to have in 2011?

I wanted to share with y'all 5 little must have kitchen gadgets that make being in the Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the Money. Date: 2011-01-06 06:28:12 in Health blogs. Buy-and-hold may be a a workable strategy for some Seven must-have kitchen gadgets, and three to avoid | January 18, 2011 recipevid So far all of my must have kitchen gadgets have been appliances.. This is just a list of some of the must have kitchen gadgets

7 Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the. Buy-and-hold may be a a workable strategy for some Reporting on all the latest cool gadgets in the ongoing quest for the 7 Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the Money | WOPULAR Coolest Gadgets - reporting on the latest cool gadgets Reporting on all the latest cool gadgets in the ongoing quest for the 2011. We have reported on some cool weapons made from. Where to Find Wholesale Kitchen Gadgets 20 Jan 2011. touting the amazing features of a must-have kitchen gadget. Where to Find Wholesale Kitchen Gadgets

See what you think and post your favorite kitchen gadget or tool.. Microplane grater is a must have. Inexpensive and wonderful for grading cheese,. 1/18/ 2011 9:40:53 PM Can you clarify about palm and coconut oils?. Must-have kitchen gadgets list compiled - Kitchen sink - Simply Must-have kitchen gadgets list compiled - Kitchen sink - Simply Kitchen. Stainless steel kitchen sinks praised in new guide

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Most Favorite Must Have Kitchen Gadgets

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Kitchen GadgetsWhen you think of kitchen gadgets, you may be thinking of the latest as seen on TV infomercial that you watched last night. This is not what I think of when I read this term. It makes me think about the small items and appliances that I could just not live without in my world. Yes, I said it. There are kitchen gadgets that I would not want to live without. At one point in my life, I went from being a person who only used that "spare" room in the apartment to keep beer cold. Since having a little one, my cooking abilities have had to grow. This means that I have need of more items to cook with. These are just some of my favorite must haves that I think everyone should look into purchasing.

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Must Have Kitchen Gadgets: 1

This is a newer purchase that I do not know why I did not get sooner. It is the Britta 10 cup Water Filter Pitcher. I have been trying to lose weight and to be healthier for ages now. I also try to live on a modest budget. This is why it makes no sense that I used to buy bottles of water every week to help me on this goal. It was wasted money. I bought my water filter pitcher and have found that it is one of the best investments that I have made. The 10 cup size makes it ideal for the fact that I like to drink a lot of water through the course of the day. It is saving me money every time that I go to the store and do not have to purchase those over priced bottles.

Must Have Kitchen Gadgets: 2

I am a caffeine addict. There you go I admitted it and that is the first step right? I have no plans of giving up caffeine, but I have found a couple of wonderful kitchen gadgets that help me to save money on it. The first is that my coffee pot is a basic 12 cup Mr Coffee that has a clock. There is no fancy bells and whistles on my version. It makes a pot of coffee and turns off in a couple of hours. That is all that anyone really needs. I have walked into homes where the coffee pot looked like it was going to take over the world like those machines in the sci fi movies. A simple white 12 cup Mr Coffee is the perfect answer and very reasonably priced.

Must Have Kitchen Gadgets: 3

My other kitchen gadget for my caffeine addiction is my Mr Coffee 3 quart Ice Tea Maker. This is another area where people spend way too much money buying the stuff in the stores. A gallon jug of even the store brand of ice tea can run you a couple of bucks. You can brew 3 quarts of ice tea for pennies. It even tastes better then what you get at the store.

Must Have Kitchen Gadgets: 4

So far all of my must have kitchen gadgets have been appliances. There is more to your needs then just the electrical. When I started cooking, I realized that one of the most important things that I needed was a good collection of non stick cookie sheets. At the time, I was not looking to bake cookies. I use these versatile sheets for everything from pizza and chicken nuggets to roasting vegetables for dinner. You can also use them for baking if you are so inclined.

Must Have Kitchen Gadgets: 5

A collection of wooden spoons is a must especially if you are just setting up your first cooking area. You will grab for these anytime that you need to stir something. The reason that wooden is often the first choice is that they will not get hot and therefor burn you. It is a good idea to have a few of them so that when one is dirty and in the dishwasher, you will still have a couple to work with.

Must Have Kitchen Gadgets: 6

This may not sound like a kitchen gadget but it truthfully can be a lifesaver. You need to have a step stool. It does not matter how tall or short that you are, there are going to be areas of your kitchen that you will just not be able to reach. Pulling over a chair so that you can reach into the back of cabinets is a dangerous thing to do. If you find a step stool that folds up small, you can easily store it in a corner and out of the way until it is needed.

Must Have Kitchen Gadgets: 7

If you are going to do any cooking, then having a way to cool items before you burn a hole through your table or table cloth is important. A couple metal trivets that will keep those hot dishes off your table can be great. One of the best meals to cook is a one pot casserole. You can serve in the dish that you make the meal in. This is great for clean up but can be dangerous for your table. By placing a metal trivet under it, you will save your table and still enjoy the benefits of doing a one pot meal.

This is just a list of some of the must have kitchen gadgets that I have come to love. I am always on the look out for the next item that I will wonder how I ever lived without. And just remember, as your life changes so will your needs when it comes to cooking. Before having a child, I would have never worried about good ways to cook chicken nuggets. So keep your eyes and ears open to what others are talking about when it comes to what helps them to cook.

What's on the kitchen gadgets horizon for me? I have just purchased an indoor grill and will be giving it a whirl. Living in an apartment means not outside grilling so I am looking to make this a new part of my cooking. Whats on the horizon for you?

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8 Must Have Kitchen Gadgets You'll Actually Use

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Kitchen Gadgets8 Must Have Kitchen Gadgets You'll Actually Use  For dedicated foodies, walking into a cooking store is like walking into a candy shop — everything looks so darned good. But sometimes, when that foodie gets home, he realizes what he thought would be a timesaver is actually a time (and space) waster. Here, some new kitchen tools that are downright mouthwatering ,ust have kitchen gadget online Related: kitchenaid, kitchen gadgets, gadgets,, cuisinart  Must-Have Kitchen Item of 2011 :

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Chantal copper fusion cookware. Sara Moulton, a TV chef and author of Sara Moulton's EverydayFamily Dinners (Simon & Schuster), fell in love with this pan after she did 25 crepe-cooking demonstrations on it across the country — without messing up a single one. The combination of copper and steel makes for great heat conductivity, and the enamel coating acts like a non-stick surface, but without the potentially toxic chemical PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid). “You have to get used to these pans because they get very hot,” says Moulton, who recommends heating on medium instead of high. “Plus, they're dishwasher-safe and they don't scratch, and they're quite attractive.”; $59.99 (8-inch fry pan); $119.99 (10-inch fry pan).

Martha Stewart Collection multi-grater. It's a grater, plastic storage container and measuring cup all in one. The different tops have various degrees of grate (fine, medium, slicing plane), and the markings on the side tell you when you've grated enough. You can even pop on another lid and store it in the fridge.; $15.99.

Giant spatula. It's great for bakers, who can use it to lift cake layers or rolled-out pie dough, but it's also a lifesaver for those who are baking-averse, Moulton says. “I use it for savory, not sweet,” she says. “I can pick up a half-pound of meat in cubes with this tool and move it from cutting board to pan.”, $12.95.

Jamie Oliver Flavour Shaker. This tool makes quick work of crushing garlic, peppercorns, fresh herbs, nuts and the like. “A modern mortar and pestle, this gadget lets you prepare pesto and other dips with just a few amazing shakes,” says Allison Lewis Clapp, food director of Real Simple magazine. “I was absolutely wowed by it.”; $29.99.

Vacu Vin pineapple slicer. It works like a corkscrew: As you twist it into the fruit, a serrated tube takes out the center core, while a blade on the outside removes the peel and cuts the flesh into a spiral. “This is one of my personal favorites,” Lewis Clapp says. “Many people buy pineapple presliced so they don't have to deal with peeling, coring and slicing, but this device takes care of all of that in just seconds.”; $14.95.

Wellness Mat. If you cook a lot, you know that standing on your feet for hours on end can take a toll on your legs, knees and body. “This mat is like a Zen experience,” Moulton says. “It's so nice on your legs. When people come over and stand by me when I'm cooking on my mat, they say, ‘Whoa, I don't want to leave here!' ”; $119.95.

Odor-absorbing splatter screen. “I've always been wary of covering something when sautéing because you don't want to steam it,” Moulton says. “But this has holes that let the steam out.” In addition, it eliminates unwanted smells from ingredients such as fish, thanks to the odor-absorbing carbon fabric that is sandwiched between the screens.; $12.99.

The Pampered Chef julienne peeler. Julienning vegetables (cutting them into matchstick-size pieces) was once the domain of trained chefs. But this tool — which looks like nothing more than a vegetable peeler — lets you do the same. “It's great for salads and stir-fries,” Lewis Clapp says. “You wind up with mounds of beautiful, thin-cut veggies in seconds.”; $9.50.

Well there you have it, my three must have kitchen gadgets for this year . By : rasiasharmal Food and Beverage I have lots of kitchen gadgets. I had one but it must have gotten broken since I can no longer find it Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the Money. 1/6/2011. Buy-and-hold may be a a workable strategy for some investments, but when it comes to kitchen  I don't really have room for gadgets and I'm so old fashioned . I must confess I don't see the purpose of a 'real' blender, . Most pointless kitchen gadget? Garlic press by a country mile.

Related: kitchenaid, kitchen gadgets, gadgets,, cuisinart, . Must-Have Kitchen Item of 2011: The Dutch Oven brings you kitchen style advice on must-have kitchen gadgets. . The latest kitchen gadgets save time, look great and get results Five Top Must Have Kitchen Tools and Gadgets for Cook . February 4th, 2011. 25 Of the Most Impressive Sofa Designs for Decorating A must-have kitchen gadget. a home owner, looking for durability, . We've used all of them, and have had no problems at all

There are eight kitchen gadgets that not only make your life easier when entertaining but that are veritable must-have kitchen stuff  Must have kitchen gadget: Tefal Toast n Egg. Baking tools: William Bounds Sili Gourmet Bake Liners - A must have for every . Wed, 01/26/2011 - 10:39. View all Kitchen Gadgets View images and photos in CNET's Photos: 12 must-have kitchen gadgets - A digital thermometer is . A digital thermometer is one of those gadgets that may seem unnecessary  have learned the benefits of many kitchen gadgets along the way! Gadgets . Must have kitchen gadgets. Describe each. Why are they necessary?

Find out which kitchen gadgets are a must have on your wedding registry must-have kitchen gadgets you'll actually use . Here, some new kitchen tools that are downright mouthwatering Investor Relations Must-Have Kitchen Gadget From the Gaza Strip. SEC's Own Books are A Mess nterviews with culinary masters, cookbook reviews, kitchen gadgets,. How to select, use and care for kitchen knives. Jan 13, 2011 - Paul Gordon. The tagine has become one of the latest must-have kitchen gadgets for the home chief a Must-Have kitchen gadget. But after sharing my affection for this wonderful. English Mum 1/31/2011 11:14:42 AM Flag as inappropriate Must Have Kitchen Gadgets for the Non-Chef

Most Essential Appliances Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets. Sunday January 23, 2011. Jack LaLanne, the world-famous bodybuilder who helped Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets. Jenn D. Posted by. Jenn D. on Dec. 23, 2010 at 12:00 AM. 14 Replies. I have a very small kitchen. I live in an apartment In search of must-have kitchen gadgets? You've come to the right place! Must-have kitchen gadgets. Play. Pause. Playback speed options. Which of these gadgets would you love to have in 2011?

I wanted to share with y'all 5 little must have kitchen gadgets that make being in the Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the Money. Date: 2011-01-06 06:28:12 in Health blogs. Buy-and-hold may be a a workable strategy for some Seven must-have kitchen gadgets, and three to avoid | January 18, 2011 recipevid So far all of my must have kitchen gadgets have been appliances.. This is just a list of some of the must have kitchen gadgets

7 Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the. Buy-and-hold may be a a workable strategy for some Reporting on all the latest cool gadgets in the ongoing quest for the 7 Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets That Are Worth the Money | WOPULAR Coolest Gadgets - reporting on the latest cool gadgets Reporting on all the latest cool gadgets in the ongoing quest for the 2011. We have reported on some cool weapons made from. Where to Find Wholesale Kitchen Gadgets 20 Jan 2011. touting the amazing features of a must-have kitchen gadget. Where to Find Wholesale Kitchen Gadgets

See what you think and post your favorite kitchen gadget or tool.. Microplane grater is a must have. Inexpensive and wonderful for grading cheese,. 1/18/ 2011 9:40:53 PM Can you clarify about palm and coconut oils?. Must-have kitchen gadgets list compiled - Kitchen sink - Simply Must-have kitchen gadgets list compiled - Kitchen sink - Simply Kitchen. Stainless steel kitchen sinks praised in new guide

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