Thursday, March 27, 2025

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Another Top 5 Best Android Apps for Journalists

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Best Android Apps for JournalistsTop 5 Best Android Apps for Journalists  Top 5 Free Android Apps For Journalists from ahlidesaindotcom talking babsy baby android · real one player beta for xperia x10 · top15 android games 2011 Nexus One of Google is, HTC’s incredible, Motorola, Droid HTC Smartphone’s like the monster comes with Ellis in the pocket of your X – The droid, iPhone smooth and lacks the smooth appearance powerful mobile devices that can be. Both exploit the current iPhone and live video streaming and truly non-aligned magnetic field as well. Without so hard to talk, here are the best android applications for Android mobile journalists.

Best Android Apps for Journalists


Five years ago, the live broadcast of the video cost thousands of dollars. Ustream applications can be sent to the video stream from camera phone users to inform their audience about the situation. Work is a great country fixed emissions. According to the resolution of the video object can be pixilated and blurred.

2. Ipadio

Preparing for another term is good? what I think is not naughty dog. This application server can store ipadio live recording of a 60-minute “radio” show, broadcast to start their own blogs and mobile phones.

3. Seesmic on Twitter

Hootsuite Android until you decide to work on, Seesmic is my favorite mobile Twitter app. This is a simple, clean and accurate.

4. vRecorder

I have success using my Droid Eris native voice recorders, call recording your luck in a telephone interview. VRecorder, you have this capability now, but worth a try is a free application, I would be better sound quality when recording the conversation.

5. PdaNet

I still get sweaty PdaNet said, the laptop / mobile phone connected to a 3G network, so we can get excited about applications where Internet access is not wireless options. I drugstores, the total supply network – Fi to get back online in is to use this app, and brother Austin, Texas, ranch in a trailer outside of the pharmacist in New Mexico, this test . It is on the beach, now you know this blog

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Top 5 free Android apps for journalists

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How to Make a Persuasive Business PortfolioIn response, we've built the Nieman Journalism Lab iPhone app. Just like an iPhone app while arguing against the creation of an Android app for journalists updated. Android apps contest brings together journalists, programmers. In a contest to foster journalism innovation - or even help birth a new breed. Android apps for college media. Enjoy the award-winning journalism of The New York Times on your Android smartphone, free of charge. Get the news, even offline.With more and more people turning to Android phones, here are some useful apps for journalists. All are free and available from the Android Market.

1. Live video: Qik

Qik was given a positive review on this blog back in May, and the Android version of this app is an excellent way to broadcast live from breaking news, very fast. New features are added frequently and the quality of the video continues to improve. But a word of warning: Be sure to keep an eye on your battery life! Qik drains batteries very fast.

2. Blogging: WordPress for Android

WordPress for Android is a solid app that’s perfect for a breaking news situation. It’s fast, and has robust posting and comment moderation features. Users can even upload photos and videos to accompany their posts. WordPress for Android works for both and (self-hosted) blogs. Users of stats can also view their traffic numbers remotely through the app. Remember: Blogging on a phone is harder than it sounds, so be sure to check your work before hitting the post button!

3. Photo editing: Photoshop Express

As the quality of the cameras on Android phones continues to improve (the new DROID X has an 8 megapixel camera), it’s essential to have access to photo editing software on the go. Photoshop Express for Android lets you crop, tone and add a few fun filters and borders to your pictures. While it’s no substitute for Photoshop CS5, Photoshop Express is a great tool to use before sharing your mobile picture on your blog or Twitter.

4. Audio recording: VoiceTask

Forget your voice recorder at home? No worries, because VoiceTask is a free and easy-to-use voice recording app. VoiceTask users can enter their e-mail address in the app’s settings page and receive an e-mailed MP3 recording. Remember, the recordings will sound like a phone conversation, since you’re using the microphone from a phone. But for casual, transcription purposes, VoiceTask definitely will work well.

5. Note taking: Evernote for Android

Every journalist needs to take notes, and Evernote is the perfect application if you ever get sick of your reporter’s notebook. Not only can you use Evernote to take text notes, but you can also upload pictures and audio. The best part is that Evernote stores your data in the cloud, meaning the notes from your Android phone are readily available on the Evernote desktop app (Windows and Mac) or website. An added bonus: Evernote lets you tag each of your notes, helping you stay organized.

Know of any good Android apps for journalists not mentioned here? Share your favorites in the comments!

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Handy Android apps for journalists and bloggers

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Handy Android apps for journalists and bloggersIf you use any of these apps or have some to recommend, please use the comments form at the end of the article to share your thoughts. Here you can see top best android apps for journalists, in my opinion these are best android apps for journalists, so enjoy and take the android apps for journalists. As people get their first looks at the new Google phone, the Nexus One, I thought it might be a good time to highlight some of the best free for journalists. Journalists need to have few important applications installed on their Android device to make their journalism hassle free.

What Android apps will enable a journalist to effectively stay connected to news , co-workers, and be able to produce content of all forms blogs or medium publications.

Handy Android apps for journalists and bloggers

You don’t need a smart phone to be a good journalist. But it can be a useful tool, just like a notebook and pen. You can rely on it in a pinch if you don’t have the gear in your man purse satchel with you. And a few apps might radically change the way you find, organize and share information.

Here are some cool Android apps I’ve been experimenting with:

  • For notes: Evernote is a free app that lets you take notes, pictures, and audio recordings. Your files are synced with Evernote and can be accessed from your desktop computer. Evernote is also useful for taking pictures of documents — it automatically scans the image and recognizes the text. You can search those keywords. Tech consultant Shawn Miller wrote a detailed review of Evernote and how he uses it for just about everything.
  • Police scanner: Scanner Radio checks for live streams of emergency channels in your area and lets you listen to police scanners on your phone.
  • Voice recorder: Google offers an app to record face-to-face interviews.
  • Live stream video: You can record free, live videos with Qik, Ustream, andBambuser. Very handy if you’re at the scene of a compelling story or covering a speech. Here’s an example of a Qik video taken by Express-News police reporter Eva Ruth Moravec when she was at a school where authorities detonated a dangerous substance:

The audio and visual quality of these videos usually aren’t the greatest, so I’d recommend using a good camera with an external microphone, and video editing software for stories that don’t have to be broadcast right that instant. But for breaking news, live stream video can be crucial.

  • Photo editing: You can crop and edit pictures on your phone with Adobe Photoshop.
  • Reference: has an app that gives you a mobile dictionary and thesaurus, and Wapedia offers a simple interface to look up information on Wikipedia. There’s an app for CIA Factbook to look up profiles of every country in the world. Yellowbook puts the yellow pages on your mobile phone, allowing you to look up local businesses.
  • For political junkies, the Sunlight Foundation made the Congress app. You can look up bills and profiles of U.S. senators and representatives, read their tweets and check out their YouTube videos, and contact them.
  • Bookmarking tools: When you find a cool Web page on your cell phone, apps for Diigo and Delicious let you bookmark the page and look it up on your desktop computer.

  • Google Voice: Etan Horowitz at Poynter offers a nice review of Google Voice for journalists. Google provides a free phone number that can be assigned to multiple phones — even a land line. Your original phone numbers will still work. In the Google Voice app for Android, when someone leaves you a voice mail, Google transcribes (somewhat accurately) the message, so you can quickly read it and get the gist of what the person wants without even listening to it. When someone calls your Google number, you can press 4 to record the call — another handy tool if you’re caught without a recorder. You get an e-mail of each voice mail and audio recording, and you can embed them on Web pages. Lifehacker looked at the pros and cons of Google Voice.

Feel free to share other handy apps. I’ll update this post with your suggestions and other discoveries I find later.

Update: Poynter’s News University hosted a Webinar on June 17 about tools for mobile journalists. Here are some more smart phone apps and tools:

  • Audioboo: For instant podcasting — make a recording on your phone and upload it straight to the Web. Simple.
  • Yelp, Foursquare, and Gowalla: Can be used for researching businesses and finding customers.
  • Eye-Fi: Smart cards for cameras that create WiFi connections and let you upload photos. Awesome.
  • Dropbox: Handy file-sharing system.

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Top 4 Must Have Android Apps For Journalists

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Top 4 Must Have Android Apps For JournalistsAndroid market is flooded with cool applications for journalists. Journalists have to be always on the go and have to juggle many things in the process. Having the right app on their android will help them in a long way. Below are the best android apps which one can consider trying.Moblogger, mojo, backpack/gonzo/mobile journalist, or just a nut with a smartphone—you can call 'em what you want. With more and more people turning to Android phones, here are some useful apps for journalists. All are free and available from the Android apps for journalist. Here you can see top ten best android apps for journalists, in my opinion these are best android apps for journalists, so enjoy and take the android apps for jounalists

Live video: Qik
Qik is one great Android app which journalists should not miss. The application has been ported from iPhone to android and the same charm is being transferred. Android version of this app is an excellent way to broadcast live from breaking news, very fast. New features are added frequently and the quality of the video continues to improve. The Qik android app is said to drain your battery so Journos better use it wisely.

WordPress for Android
Adding posts from anywhere has never been this easy. Many Journalists love blogging and have chosen blogging as a mainstream media to voice their opinions.

In case of a breaking news journos might need to shoot down few quick paragraphs of content, picture and video. WordPress app works with both and self hosted blogs. Another great feature is a traffic statistics tab which will let you know your blog statistics right with a tap of a button on your dashboard.

Evernote for Android
Note taking is an inevitable part for any journalist's career. Making text notes is very painful. EverNote relieves you of all the pain by making you take audio notes, video notes and picture notes. Audios and videos can be recorded on the spur of the moment and can be transcribed to text so that you don't miss important news while busy typing. The Evernote data is stored and synced over all places where Evernote app is running.

Twitter for Android
Twitter for Android is the official twitter application and is one of the best twitter app you will find in the android market right now. Twitter has become a great broadcasting channel for Journalists for its quick communication capability. Having a twitter app installed will help journalists give live updates on events.

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30+ Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

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Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications Transferring iPod classic from Mac to PC, Cover Flow on 30GB iPod, iPhone and iPad ? Want to know the very best apps across multiple genres? Speck's famous iPod mascot case-slash-stand has made a triumphant return as an iPad apps. We now offer an iPhone/iPod touch version of iLounge, as well as our Book 5 andWe Still reconnaissance for some famous useful applications to install on your new iPod Touch/iPhone? We offering 30+ of the latest best. All apps on our showcase are free, and also work with your iPhone.

You may also want to take a look at the following related posts:

  1. 100 Most Wanted Useful & Free Mac Apps
  2. 100 Most Useful iPhone Apps Free
  3. The Top iPhone Application Resource Sites
  4. Must Have iPhone Apps 2011
  5. 25 Best Ever Created Apps For iPhone: Must Have In 2011
  6. Top Ten Most Wanted iPhone Apps 2011
  7. Our iPhone Apps sections has a number of iPhone Applications and gaming apps related posts.

Also don’t forget to subscribe! or be a fan on facebook must have web rss ahli desain

To load them onto your iPod Touch or iPhone, just visit the App Store, which accessible from the main screen of your iPhone or Touch, and search for the name of the app you want, most of the listed apps inspired by our real life needs.



Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

It’s here! One of the most eagerly anticipated applications for both the iPhone and iPod Touch is here -  1Password.

Regular viewers will know that 1Password is one of my favourite apps for the Mac and I use it each and every day to manage my passwords, my internet identities and also to protect me against phishing scams. Although, previous versions of 1Password offered support for the iPhone via Safari bookmarklets, I’ve been longing for the day when a native 1Password application would be available for my iPhone.

Much to my delight, a few days ago, Agile Web Solutions released a native iPhone/iPod Touch 1Password application via the iTunes App store. What’s really amazing is that the App is a free download!


Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Accuweather iPhone app provides you with the latest weather information including animated, user-centric radar/satellite with full 15-day local forecasts and 15 hours of hourly forecasts. Plus the iPhone application gives you access to severe weather alerts, forecast videos, lifestyle weather indices, and WeatherAlarms. You can download this app for free in the App Store. Note: AccuWeather also offers users a webapp, that you can get to by opening the url from the Safari browser on your iPhone or iPod touch. Enter your zip code for up to date weather maps and a 5 day forecast on your iPhone.

Aurora Feint: The Beginning

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Aurora Feint AppThis free app store game is probably one of the most entertaining and addicting games build for the new 2.0 iPhone OS yet. The first version is called “The Beginning”, and what a start it is. Complete with full audio soundtrack, visual illustrations and characters, Aurora Feint is sure to become an iPhone classic. The game is aimed to be an MMOG (massively multiplayer online game) for the iPhone.


Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Don’t tell me you hate Shakespeare! Or maybe you hate him because you have never read his plays before. Well, now it is a good time to do that. This awesome application lets you view and read all Shakespeare plays and sonnets with a push of a button. Now, I can enjoy Othello (my favorite play) as many times as I want and wherever I go. Extremely handy for those who are taking Shakespeare classes this upcoming semester.


Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications today announced its Amazon application for iPhone and iPod touch is now available on the Apple App Store. The Amazon app offers an easy way for users to search and browse for products offered by Amazon and thousands of retailers, access Amazon’s popular shopping features such as Customer Reviews, and purchase using 1-Click Shopping and Amazon Prime.

Ditch iTunes with Floola

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Windows/Mac/Linux (all platforms): Floola, the go-anywhere, no-iTunes-required iPod manager, has updated with some nifty new features, including the ability to natively sync your Google Calendars to your iPod.

We’ve been into Floola for some time now, ever since discovering that it was the ultimate solution for adding music and movies to your iPod from any computer, whether or not you were down with iTunes. The latest versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux (GTK2 required) add Google Calendar importing, plus a few bug fixes and optimizations sprinkled throughout.


Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

The Bloomberg app lets you read the latest financial news headlines, world market updates and stock quotes, charts and news on your iPhone 3G. You can enter you own stock portfolio to track in the app on a regualr basis. Find stocks by entering company names.

Rotate your iPhone to view the stock charts in full view and tap the screen to view charts in various timelines like 1 day, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year and 5 years. Industrial averages such as the Dow Jones or NASDAQ offer industry moves and stock movers in table or chart format. Overall a very powerful and impressive finanacial app, and the free pricetag won’t hurt either. Great alternative to the native Stocks app.

Body Mass Index

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

The Body Mass Index(BMI), is a controversial statistical measurement which compares a person’s weight and height. Though it does not actually measure the percentage of body fat, it may be a useful tool to estimate a healthy body weight based on how tall a person is. Due to its ease of measurement and calculation, it is the most widely used diagnostics tool to identify weight problems within a population, usually whether individuals are underweight, overweight or obese.

Dead Simple iTunes Library Recovery with iPod -> Folder

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Windows and Mac OS X only: Freeware program iPod -> Folder allows users a super-simple way to do a full backup of their iPod on any Mac or Windows computer.

We’ve actually posted a few methods for backing up your iPod in the past, but iPod -> Folder is a nice standout both for its simplicity and is Windows and Mac versions. The downside is that iPod -> Folder doesn’t allow you to selectively backup music, so it’s an all-or-nothing affair. That said, this is a great little app to download and stick on your iPod so you can easily “back up” your music at any computer. Thanks Rory! — Adam Pash

Calorie Tracker

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Ever been curious about how many calories are in that dish you�re about to order? Or, how much fat is in that tuna melt at the diner down the street? The free LIVESTRONG.COM Calorie Tracker can help you find that information and keep a digital diary of your daily calories. FREE for a limited time, the application lets you to look up or track your daily caloric, fat, carbohydrate and protein intake with the click of a button. You will have access to The Daily Plate at LIVESTRONG.COM, which offers a comprehensive nutrition database of more than 450,000 food items. Most major competitors only have 7,000 items in their database.

[Free] EasyWriter

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

If you use your iPod Touch for email, this free, full-featured app will help you compose them. If features a landscape view, adjustable text sizes and more.

eBay Mobile

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

eBay is the largest online auction site in the world, but how do you keep on top of the auctions when you’re away from your computer? eBay Mobile brings access to thousands of auction listings to the palm of your hand.

After you enter your login information, you’re immediately presented by a search field along with buttons to view auction listings as either a buyer or a seller.

eReader for iPod touch

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

The world of mobile entertainment on your iPhone and iPod touch doesn’t have to be limited to music, podcasts, and videos. Now, thanks to the App Store and a legion of developers, you can add ebooks to your mobile entertainment platform.

IPhone ebook applications come in all flavors and styles, as a stop by the Books section of the App Store will reveal. Some apps are simply one books or comic embedded in a reader. Others are reader programs that can have all kinds of purchased and free eBooks added to them.


Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Evernote for iPhone lets you create notes, snap photos, and record voice memos that you can then access any time — from your iPhone, computer, or the web.


Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

It’s not a secret that many of dedicated users of Apple product , also loves blogging. Hey, just look at me. I run a blog about Ipod Touch. So for those of you readers who also loves blogging, there is a great new product on the market for you – You can now blog from your Ipod Touch or iPhone directly into your wordpress blog.

Free Translator

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Free App Store Translator for your iPhone that uses the Google translation service to Translate between many languages including Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Great app if you are travelling and need to find a word quickly.

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.


Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

ring is now available on the App Store making it easy for anyone to use fring on the original iPhone, iPhone 3G & thebrand-new iPhone 3GS or iPod touch. All you need to do is download fring on the App Store and within minutes you can make free calls with other fringsters™or via fring using Skype, Skype-out or any SIP providers you choose.

You will have one searchable contact list with all your instant messaging buddies from Skype®, MSN® Messenger, GoogleTalk™, ICQ, Twitter, Yahoo!™ and AIM® so you can easily see who is available and where they can be reached before dialingor starting a live chat session.

Google Earth

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Google’s satellite-based mapping service comes to the iPod touch as a free app. You can adjust the views, access geo-located Wikipedia articles and more.

Google Mobile App

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Want to browse at a tremendous speed? Don’t you have the patience to wait for the desired results to come? Then this is the apt application for you. Google mobile application for iPod Touch and iPhone provides one with the fastest and the easiest way to browse at google. Published by Google, with the current 0.3.1448, this application falls under the reference category. This is such an excellent application that one can never imagine about the features and the speedy access that it offers when it comes to browsing. The best feature that has to be appreciated is the one which helps in better search that is it can be done not only by typing the keyword, but also by speech recognition that supports various languages.


Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

If you’d like to find and/or buy online books but you don’t like to spend lots of time on the bookstores or Google, the Book Search iPod Touch application is an excellent apps. It can even show pricing of the books your interest in as well its version like the hardcover, bulk market, in one page. This is needed to the students of universities as well to those who love books. Download this application now!


Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Are you traveling somewhere soon? Do you need a Tour guide? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a FREE talking tour guide with you 24/7? Too much ask you think? Not anymore! Because HearPlanet can now do the job for you. This cool iPhone & iPod Touch Application is your new talking tour guide which can make traveling to a new place easier than ever. You wouldn’t come back from a holiday anymore to find out that you missed the most important tourist attraction of that place.

Idiom dictionary

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

if English is your second language or you want to enrich your vocabulary, this could be a great application. It features a browsable English dictionary.

iHandy Level

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

iHandy Level (one of the 5 tools in iHandy Carpenter toolkit) is now for free! Take this chance to download now! This might be the most beautiful level you can get in hand. Unlike some other levels in app store, this one is fully functional with calibration capability. It’s accurate after calibrated.

IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

This instant messaging app supports AIM, iChat, MSN, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Jabber, MySpaceIM, Google Talk and ICQ. It lets you maintain one email inbox that holds all your messages.

Instapaper for iPhone/iPod touch

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

I’ll admit that when I first started trying out Instapaper, as a quick and dirty “bookmark this for later” web service, I didn’t see that many advantages to it. There’s for bookmarking and Evernote for saving clips and PDFs; NetNewsWire for following my preferred sites… I felt like I had the bases covered. Sure, Instapaper was fast and dead easy (you would expect as much from Marco Ament, lead developer at microblogging service Tumblr), and having a personal ‘newspaper’ page of items to review at leisure was nice, but nothing earthshaking. Then, wouldn’t you know it, everything changed.

iVote Daily

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

This popular iPod Touch voting app lets you voice your opinion on simple polls, and compare your votes to other iPod Touch users across the globe.

Joost Streams TV, Movies to Your iPhone

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

iPhone/iPod touch only: Television and movie streaming service Joost officially finds its way to the iPhone and iPod touch. Joost started out as a desktop application, was quickly overshadowed by online offerings like Hulu, then recently moved to the web in an attempt to keep up with the competition. With its new iPhone/iPod touch application, Joost is back in the drivers seat, beating the likes of Hulu to Apple’s popular mobile devices. Joost still doesn’t offer as much popular content as Hulu, but its 46,000 videos—which include 400 TV series, 1,200 movies and short films, and 18,000 music videos—are a pretty good start.

Mobile Banking

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

New York Times e-reading app for the iPhone and iPod Touch

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

New York City is one of the straphanger capitals of the world. But how to read the New York Times when your subway car is roaring along?

The Times publishes a fairly complete, well organized mobile edition, which you’ll see via the just given link if you’re using an iPhone, iPod Touch or similar device. But you’ll need WiFi, which most hangers lack on the go.

Pandora Radio (for iPhone & iPod touch)

Top Favourite Useful iPod Touch/iPhone Applications

Pandora Radio is one of my absolute favorite iPhone apps. (It’s also one of my favorite Web sites, so if you don’t own an iPhone or iPod touch, you can still enjoy the magic of Pandora on the Web at

What is Pandora Radio? Simply put, Pandora Radio streams music you’re almost certain to enjoy to your iPhone. Sounds impossible but it not only works, it works incredibly well.

There?s no shortage of applications that can stream music to your iPhone or iPod touch. But while many Internet-based radio stations play great music, the music they play is selected by a program director or disk jockey who has no idea what you might enjoy hearing.

You may also want to take a look at the following related posts:

  1. 100 Most Wanted Useful & Free Mac Apps
  2. 100 Most Useful iPhone Apps Free
  3. The Top iPhone Application Resource Sites
  4. Must Have iPhone Apps 2011
  5. 25 Best Ever Created Apps For iPhone: Must Have In 2011
  6. Top Ten Most Wanted iPhone Apps 2011
  7. Our iPhone Apps sections has a number of iPhone Applications and gaming apps related posts.

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Freebies: Facebook, Twitter & RSS Feed Icons

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Freebies: Facebook, Twitter & RSS Feed Icons

Feebies: Facebook, Twitter & RSS Feed Icons  The set consist of the Facebook, Twitter and RSS Feed Icons and are available in two different theme icon. We are delighted to release some more freebies: a few sets of icons, on Onextrapixel. There will be a series of icon sets and other freebies that will be released regularly on ahlidesain.  Today's release is a set of popular social media icons consisting of Facebook, Twitter and RSS designed exclusively for Onextrapixel by Helen Gizi, a talented self-taught graphic designer. The custom social media icons have been created especially to bring a new look to the normal and traditional icons.

You may also want to take a look at the following related posts:

Freebies: Facebook, Twitter & RSS Feed Icons
The set consist of the Facebook, Twitter and RSS Feed Icons and are available in two different sizes - 64 x 64px and 128 x 128px.

About the Creator - Helen Gizi

Helen is a self-taught graphic designer with over 8 years experience in the field. She runs a small blog providing free vector sets called Dealing mostly with print work and tight deadlines, she doesn’t have much time for personal projects. She's quite comfortable working with both Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw as she believes that these are just tools and nothing more. She does everything from scratch with a blank piece of paper and a pencil. Graphic design by Spanish designers is her major source of inspiration, and she dreams of living in Spain one day.

Recently she has also launched Vector Stories, a site that is dedicated to providing premium logo, icon or graphic design services. If you are in need of such services, Helen will be a great help.

Behind the Design

For the creation of these icons, Helen has decided to break from the traditional design of these social media icons and create something that is unique yet still retain the original feel. The icons are designed with the intention that they will be easier to use and integrate into any site. The set includes the Facebook, “Share” and “Like” icons, Twitter, “Follow me” icons and RSS feed icons. It took several hours of effort but she really enjoyed the process.

Set 1

Freebies: Facebook, Twitter & RSS Feed Icons

Set 2

Freebies: Facebook, Twitter & RSS Feed Icons

Set 3

Freebies: Facebook, Twitter & RSS Feed Icons

Set 4

Freebies: Facebook, Twitter & RSS Feed Icons

Set 5

Freebies: Facebook, Twitter & RSS Feed Icons

Set 6

Freebies: Facebook, Twitter & RSS Feed Icons

Download These Free Icon Sets Now!

These icons are free and we hope you like them as much as we do. Feel free to use them for personal or commercial projects. However, please bear in mind that these icons may not be sold, rented, sub-licensed, transferred, edited, altered, or otherwise. If you’d like to share this set of icons, help us spread the word by linking back to this original release.

We offer our sincere thanks to Helen Gizi for creating these icon sets and really appreciate her efforts.

Our freebies are provided especially for our readers and the design community. If you'd like to release icons or any other type of freebies on Onextrapixel, please feel free to contact us and we will be glad to assist you with that.

You may also want to take a look at the following related posts:

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Free E-Commerce Icon Set for all Online Businesses

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Free E-Commerce Icon Set for all Online BusinessesFree E-Commerce Icons. This set includes 1 icon more. Uniform Payment Options Icon Sets for Ecommerce Design for yous business websites. Today we are glad to release an eCommerce icon Set, a set of 15 payment icons in PNG format in 6 different colors, in the resolutions of 32×32px, 64x64px and 128×128px. This set was designed by Billy Barker and released exclusively for Onextrapixel and its readers. his set of eCommerce icons is appropriately called simply e commerce iconssets .

You may also want to take a look at the following related posts:

Free E-Commerce Icon Set for all Online Businesses

About the e-Commerce Icons Set

These icons are intended to be used on any eCommerce websites. All of the eCommerce commonly used icons are included, such as the shopping cart, price tag, arrows, and delivery mode etc. As usual, the set is totally free to use for either private or commercial projects.

Free E-Commerce Icon Set for all Online Businesses

These icons are free and we hope you like them as much as we do. Feel free to use them for personal or commercial projects. However, please bear in mind that these icons may not be sold, rented, sub-licensed, transferred, edited, altered, or otherwise. If you’d like to share this set of icons, help us spread the word by linking back to this original release. You can also follow @billybarker on Twitter.

Behind the Design – Billy Barker

The free eCommerce icon set was created especially for Onextrapixel readers. Designers, developers, and bloggers never seem to have enough resources at their disposal, especially icons, so Billy created this great simple set of icons to use in web design or any medium necessary. He chose simple designs and simple solid colors so that each icon can be used within any design or color scheme. He hopes everyone enjoys them and can use them at some point of their work.

We offer our sincere thanks to Billy Barker for creating this icon set and we really appreciate his efforts.

Download the Icon Set for Free!

Our freebies are especially for our readers and the design community at Onextrapixel. If you'd like to release these icons or any of our freebies to others, feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you with that.

In the meantime, we hope this eCommerce icon set will assist you in your online business and do share it with your friends!

You may also want to take a look at the following related posts:

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