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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Top 8 Most Expensive Computer Keyboards in the World

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Most Expensive Computer KeyboardsTop 8 Most Expensive Computer Keyboards in the World Here’s the list of most expensive computer keyboards. Keyboard is one of human needs with the advance of computer technology nowadays. Keyboard is made with various shapes, sizes and materials to make users feel comfortable using it. Besides that, keyboard often become an arena to show off the prestige and wealth of its users. Here’s a list of most expensive computer keyboards that even more expensive than the computer itself:

8. Comfort Keyboard, Comfort Keyboard Systems $ 349,00

The Comfort Keyboard is separated into three parts, which can be adjusted easily and locked into place. The Comfort Keyboard also features complete key reprogramming and programmed “rest time indicator”, which reminds users to take a break!

Most Expensive Computer Keyboards

Comfort Keyboard

7. Keyless ergonomic Keyboard, OrbiTouch $ 399,00

OrbiTouch keyless ergonomic keyboard creates a keystroke when you slide the two holes in one of them changed their forward positions. You type the different characters by sliding the hole to create the letters and numbers. The orbiTouch keyless ergonomic keyboard also has a unique Mouse, so move the complete hole, giving you the ability of mouse and keyboard with comfortably.

Most Expensive Computer Keyboards

Keyless ergonomic Keyboard

6. Professional II ™, Datahand $ 675,00

What if the keyboard can be customized to fit the size and shape of each person’s hand? We have Datahand! Unique finger and thumb typing switch to change different modes.

Most Expensive Computer Keyboards

Datahand professional II

5. Dual Handed ergonomis 3D, Maltron £ 375,00 – £ 435,00

Get Maltron Qwerty keyboard with Maltron or Dvorak layouts. Available in the UK, the United States, French, German, Norwegian and Sweden. The key of the keyboard is matching the finger movements and the key to the radius of the hidden again. Getting a trackball on this 3D keyboard will cost an additional £ 65.

Most Expensive Computer Keyboards

Maltron dual handed ergonomic

4. Executive Keyboard, Maltron £550.00

Ergonomic keyboard produced by Maltron. They want to reduce the pressure on the fingers, wrists, and arms while typing. This is one of their latest models made with Perspex, Stainless-Steel and Polycarbonate key.

Most Expensive Computer Keyboards

Executive Keyboard Maltron

3. TouchStream LP, Fingerworks, $ 1500+

Mystical keyboard, was originally retailing for $ 340 but because FingerWorks been purchased and no longer produce the keyboard, TouchStream LP in great condition has started to sell at a fantastic price. You can search on eBay if you don’t mind spending your money on computer accessories.

Most Expensive Computer Keyboards

Touch Stream LP

2. 2000-IS-DT, 2000-IS-PM Stealth Computer $2,200.00

Want to war with your keyboard? Stealth Computer makes devices to reduce the risk of failure in a dangerous area, the 2000-IS-DT & 2000-IS-PM comes with sealed non-corrosive stainless steel with optical isolated barriers ensure NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) 4X protection. This keyboard has a temperature range of-40F to 194 F (-40C to 90 C). Stealth makes a lot of expensive steel NEMA keyboard, but this one is the most expensive one.

Most Expensive Computer Keyboards

2000 IS DT & 2000 IS PM Stealth Computer

1. Happy Hacking HP Keyboard Jepang, PFU Ltd ¥ 525.000

PFU Ltd from Ishikawa, Japan, an affiliate of Fujitsu, is produced Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional HP Japan, which is made to order with handcoated keyboard Urushi lacquer. This keyboard is coated many times using a special brush made of virgin hair, and then powdered with gold dust! The price of this computer keyboard is ¥ 525,000 or about U.S. $ 4440.

Most Expensive Computer Keyboards

Happy Hacking HP Keyboard Japan, PFU Ltd

Do You want to own one of those most expensive computer keyboards?

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The World’s Most Expensive Computer Mouse

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The World’s Most Expensive Computer MouseOne of the most expensive computer mouse. It is made by Gold and Diamonds and having very unique and special design. The World’s Most Expensive Computer Mouse only freak and wierdo do buy this most expensive computer mouse. It wasting money but still it is tempting. expensive computer mouse most expensive computer in the world most expensive computer mouse interesting facts about computers worlds most expensive computer most expensive mouse in the world computer mouse facts what is the most expensive computer in the world world expensive diamond the most expensive mouse in the world

The World’s Most Expensive Computer Mouse

diamond flower mouse

The World’s Most Expensive Computer Mouse

scattered diamond

Computer mouse worth $ 24,180.00 was made by “The Swiss company Pat Says Now”, Made of 18 carat white gold and encrusted with 59 diamonds. Available in 2 design options: “Diamond Flower” and “Scattered Diamond”.

Recently The Company lowering the price to about just $20,000, You can check here

The World’s Most Expensive Computer Mouse

lowering the price

Interesting in buying one?

The worlds most expensive computer mouse comprises of 18-karat white gold studded with 59 brilliant cut diamonds. Have you ever wondered what is the most expensive computer mouse in the world? Well, here it is. I did like the article really much, was really informative and the best part was that only the required part was elaborated, to the point concise information always helps and keeps readers running around digging for the information’s will never require a reread. I really wish spammers read these articles and check how easy it is to be human and respect knowledge.

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5 reason why android beter than google chrome

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5 reason why android beter than google chromeGoogle’s Chrome OS Notebook is based on concepts of Pollyannaish but its much stupid idea. As that product was used for perfect networking and fast wireless connection, which you can’t find in USA today. If Google has the best OS Android with it, then what is the issue to use Chrome OS. No doubt, Chrome OS Cr-48 has nice reliable networking and cool functioning very similar to old Linux-based computers. But they have failed too due to malware and viruses attacks. Chrome Cr-48 have the same problems, that is why Android is superior to Chrome.

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5 reason why android beter than google chrome
1. Unreliable Wireless networks

You want your network in perfect working condition whatever the place is. Whether you are on airport where Wi-Fi doesn’t work good, in building basements where networks are too slow and drowsy, or you are on public Wi-Fi hotspot where security is unavailable.

Android developers know these conditions that’s why they have created most of the Android apps in offline modes. while reading news, enjoying videos or playing games, your Android will never let you down.

2. “Living In a Cloud”

For Chrome OS users, there is only 100MB per month free Verizon Wireless. Any kind of limit is just unbearable for people. A normal working person can use a 100-150 MB internet in a day on his Laptop/Smartphone. So what you can do with so-called “huge” 100MB on Chrome OS. The boundaries were never been welcomed by us, and its intolerable in Internet World specially. Android user can use a lot of internet and they can also download other browsers like Opera or SkyFire too, which Chrome OS user can’t.

3. Web technologies, especially games

Using Chrome OS net-tops, you always can use simple easy and weak-sauce flash games. You can’t enjoy extra-ordinary featured games. The same conditions was faced by Palm and iPhone in their starting year. But gradually they built their own developers programs like SDKPDK respectively. Android also has the NDK for its games developers. Chrome can be rated lower than a low featured Smartphone.

4. Android’s Honeycomb Version

In past, Android powered laptops were failed due to some screen size and input issues. As the Android apps were not designed for larger keyboards and screens. But the latest version of Android called Honeycomb has much improved features. Its a lot better than the past versions. As compared to Chrome, Honeycomb has a bigger ecosystem, and a lot more programming that Chrome doesn’t possess.

5. Chrome is not an OS

If you compare the Chrome and Android, you can see that Android can run Chrome easily but Chrome can run nothing but itself. So in real sense, Chrome is just an app not a complete OS. On the other hand, Android is a complete system who can run whatever you want to run on an OS.

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6 most expensive ring in the world

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most expensive ring in the world 6 most expensive ring in the world The world's most expensive ring is valued at $16.26 million Who want to be engaged with these most expensive engagement rings in the world? Perhaps you are in a short period of time would have engaged or married, I just wrote this for sharing about your engagement ring, may be as a reference for You as prospective brides. But, this is not just usual ring. This all rings very special and of course sold in very special price, in other word most expensive engagement ring in the world. most expensive engagement ring expensive engagement rings most expensive engagement rings

1. De Beers Platinum

most expensive ring in the world

Diamonds in this ring is very luxurious and has a perfect shine. A stone weighing 9 carat diamond ring makes this the most expensive in the world .. The completeness that if the ring dibandrol pantaslah the fantastic price of $ 1.83 million ...

2. Tiffany Oval Diamond

most expensive ring in the world

Whether you are a generous people and like things that glamorous?? the Tiffany diamond is perfect for you. The ring is attached to the left of a 14.79-carat oval diamond type worth $ 1.46 million and a ring on the right there are 12.3-carat diamond-shaped pillow for $ 800,000!

3. Internally Flawless

most expensive ring in the world

This platinum diamond ring type is a collection of Elizabeth Taylor Jewelry House, Los Angeles. In the middle of this ring is 5.98 carat oval diamond and 3.96 carat diamond surrounded by round ten, forming a flower. Set up a fund of $ 1.3 million to bring home the ring.

4. Secret Kiss of the Rose

most expensive ring in the world

Soccer star David Beckham is wearing a diamond ring on their wedding dipesta Victoria Beckham. Look at this ring, middle is buying 0.8 carat pink diamond surrounded by 4.15 carats of white which makes it very luxurious .. beautiful ring can be redeemed for $ 525,000 ..!

5. Asscher Cut Diamond

most expensive ring in the world

The ring was first developed in 1902, but it was not perfect desaignnya. Oscar Oscar winner Reese Witherspoon menggukakan this ring when married to actor Ryan Phillipe. The beauty is equipped with a diamond ring of 10.19 carats and sold for $ 520,000 ..!

6. Yellow Diamond

most expensive ring in the world

This yellow diamond ring with a collection of very melancholic .. baseball star Johnny Damon, actor Charlie Sheen and Eddie Murphy wearing this ring when their engagement, Equipped with a 5.11 carat diamond, this ring worth $ 400,000

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Top 10 Most Expensive Diamonds in the World Every woman in the world want to own one of these most expensive diamonds in the world. Diamonds from various kinds and color  is one of the sign of wealthy. Owning expensive and rare diamonds is someone’s pride. Expensive diamond Top 8 Most Expensive Cell Phones in The World Here’s the list of most expensive cell phones in the world. The reason these cell phones are so expensive is not only purely because of the technology that the cell phones offer, but also because of the accessories  Top 10 Most Expensive Shoes in the World Here’s the list of the most expensive shoes in the world. Of course most of them are women shoes.

You may wondering how those expensive shoes looks like and how much is it. So Let’s take a look at those Top 4 Most Expensive Woman’s Footwear Here’s the most expensive woman footwear ever made, You know how glamorous those footwear 4. Stuart Weitzman from Ruby Sandal: $1.2 million Based on their namesake footwear from The Wizard of Oz, these extravagant slippers were designed for the 2003 The World’s Most Expensive Computer Mouse Computer mouse worth $ 24,180.00 was made by “The Swiss company Pat Says Now”, Made of 18 carat white gold and encrusted with 59 diamonds. Available in 2 design options: “Diamond Flower” and “Scattered Diamond”.

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Promotional USB flash drives are a unique marketing tool


Promotional USB flash drives are a unique marketing toolLet's face it, marketing in today's economy can be a challenge. With so many businesses competing for what has recently become a smaller pool of customers, a business has to have an aggressive marketing strategy. This should involve a product that is widely used, easily accessible, trendy and relevant. So, looking to stand out? Then promotional usb flash drives are a unique marketing tool to do so. In order to catch and keep a customer's attention a business may have to do something unique in order to stand out from a crowd. Try an unconventional approach with a promo tool that will impress clients and be heavily used.

Promo usb flash drives are ideal because they are small and light weight they can be easily carried and handed to customers quickly. In addition to this they can be mailed with other correspondence, such as special offers or even a thank you for considering doing business with the company. They are light weight enough to be sent with an informational packet requested by a high end customer. They are also perfect for handing out at industry events and if purchased in bulk can be much less expensive.

Perhaps most importantly they are also widely used for business and personal activities. Many people use usb flash drives in their daily lives and now each time they use their flash drive the business that used the drive as a promo is fresh in the customers mind. Though there may be some concern about security these flash drives can be secured the same way all portable flash drives are and anyone who uses a flash drive, either one they purchased or a promo would take the same risk.

The bottom line is that that any business looking to stand out from the competition and stay in the mind of a customer should seriously consider using promo usb flash drives as a means of advertising. In addition to this if they are used by a highly visible individual then the company will receive further advertisement.

For more details on a wide range of promotional merchandise and products, such as Promo USB flash drives then please visit our site, which offers tips on how to market your business. We also sell promotional flash drives at the best price when ordered in bulk quantities. Visit us for all of your advertising and marketing needs.

Now let we see the custom usb flash drive as a promotional marketingPromotional USB flash drives are a unique marketing tool

Loncin Technology Co.LtdPromotional USB flash drives are a unique marketing toolShenzhen Marvel Industry Co.,Ltd.

USB Flash Drive in Unique Design with 256MB to 16GB Capacity and Over 10yrs Data Retention

Promotional USB flash drives are a unique marketing tool

USB Design Technology Co.,Ltd

Unique-shaped USB Flash Drive with Magnetic-resistant and Up to 16GB Memory Capacity

Promotional USB flash drives are a unique marketing toolShenzhen Zhanzhuo Electronic Technology Co. Ltd

Multifunction USB Flash Drive, Made of Metal Material, Love Heart Appearance, Unique Design

Promotional USB flash drives are a unique marketing tool

Aurora Boutique Co. Ltd

unique design SWAROVSKI USB flash drive disk

And there is many more out there.

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